Black Diamond Casino Guess The Game Answer


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Exercise: Playing Card Vocabulary

In the following conversation, two friends (Peter and Juan) are talking about theEnglish names of playing cards.

From the context, try to guess what the meaning of the words/phrases in bold are. Then do the quiz at the end to make sure that you are right.

Juan:'You like to play cards, don't you?'

Peter:'Yes, now and again. Why do you want to know?'

Juan:'I'm unsure what the different names of cards are in English. When we go to thecasino next week, I don't want to look stupid.'


Peter:'Well, first of all a packet of 52 cards is called a deck of cards. In a deck ofcards each card has one of 4 different symbols on them, two of the symbols are red andtwo of them are black.'

Juan:'Is one of the black symbols that looks like one leaf of a plant called a spade?'

Peter:'That's right, spades do look like a leaf of a plant. The other black symbol, whichlooks like a clover or a small plant with three leaves, is called a club.'

Juan:'I know that one of the red symbols which looks like a heart or a symbol of love iscalled a heart, but what is the other red symbol called?'

Peter:'The red symbol on cards which has a shape with four straight lines like a square butpointing up and down is called a diamond.'

Juan:'There's a name in Spanish for all the cards in a deck or pack which have the samesymbol (like all the hearts) on them.'

Peter:'You mean the 13 cards in a deck which have all have the same symbol on them, like diamonds or clubs?'


Peter:'Each is called a suit. There are four suits in a deck of cards, the suit ofdiamonds, the suit of hearts, the suit of clubs and the suit of spades.'

Juan:'I know what the names of the cards with numbers on them are called (like the 'ten ofclubs' or the 'five of spades'), but there are some playing cards with pictures of people onthem which I don't know the names of. What is the name of the card with the old man witha beard on it?'

Black Diamond Casino Guess The Game AnswerAnswer

Peter:'A card with an old man with a beard is called a King. A card with a picture ofa woman, is called a Queen. And a card with a picture of a young man without abeard is called a Jack. For example, the King of hearts or the Jack of clubs.'

Guess The Game Quiz

Juan:'And what is the name of the cards that have only one diamond, spade, heart or clubin the middle of the playing card, that have the letter 'A' in two of the corners of the card?'

Peter:'A card with the letter 'A' in the corner is called an Ace. For example, the Aceof hearts. There are also another 2 additional cards in a pack of cards which are not in anysuit (e.g. suit of diamonds) and have a picture of a funny and strange man on them. Eachof these two cards is called a Joker.'

Black Diamond Casino Guess The Game Answer For Today

Juan:'Like in Batman?'

Black Diamond Casino Guess The Game Answer Key
